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3sourse:1dacs:es9018 [2020/03/18 09:28]
staudio [Отзывы]
3sourse:1dacs:es9018 [2020/03/22 02:12] (текущий)
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Строка 5: Строка 5:
 {{pdfjs>:3sourse:1dacs:es9012-9018.pdf}} {{pdfjs>:3sourse:1dacs:es9012-9018.pdf}}
 ++++ ++++
 +ES9018 + LL1674 и LL1684:\\
 ==== Отзывы ==== ==== Отзывы ====
 +**Выход по току:**
 +The 47nf cap creates a corner 3db point of 23K without the preamp secondary impedance reflected to the primaries and 20K with it reflected. But that is not the reason why I have the cap. I discovered the effect of a cap across the legs on sigma delta DACs nearly 3 years ago by accident. I reported in the these posts
 +Practical Implementations of Alternative Post-DAC Filtering
 +That thread was started by a member who also noticed the same effect. He unfortunately got flamed for reporting it without adequate explanation. The effect is that is creates is a layering of instruments that makes listening to music - emotional.
 +The oldest reference I can find to this effect is here
 +Regarding the transformers - yes LL1544A is amorphous too. Nearly $85 in the US vs LL1674 which is $130
 +The resistor value to be chosen depends on your taste. Put simply - the deeper you put the DAC into current mode (by lowering the resistor) - the THD improves. At 0 ohms - the THD is the best.
 +But in all honestly - I can*t hear THD in my system below -105db.
 +But I what I can hear is that the slam/attack/dynamics are lost deeper in the current mode.
 +The optimal value for the resistor is 4/5 times the output impedance of the DAC for my system. So 640 ohms for ES9028Q2M.
 +I thought so too initially that there was the HF explanation but there is some other mystery to be solved as well. Specifically - if you ground the caps, the effect is gone. In other words if you replace the 47nf across the pins with 94nf to the ground from each leg - the layering of instruments and the emotional connection is lost.
 +Also - if you vary the 3db corner - i.e. move it to say 30Khz - the effect is gone. It only seems to near the 20-22Khz region. I settled on 19.9 corner for my system.\\
 +**Выход по напряжению:**
 Just a quick query because I can't seem to find anything but simple 2-page PDF datasheets for ESS DAC chips... Just a quick query because I can't seem to find anything but simple 2-page PDF datasheets for ESS DAC chips...
Строка 15: Строка 58:
 ---- ----
 In short, yes. ES9018 and its derivatives can support voltage mode or current mode. It depends on the input impedance where the next stage has. When it sees a low impedance, it's current mode. ES9023 has integrated amp for voltage out. I don't know if it can support current output. In short, yes. ES9018 and its derivatives can support voltage mode or current mode. It depends on the input impedance where the next stage has. When it sees a low impedance, it's current mode. ES9023 has integrated amp for voltage out. I don't know if it can support current output.
-----ES9018 has some DC offset voltage on the output, so you need something to get rid of the DC before sending it to your amp. It makes about 3Vpp with a few mA of current if you parallel 4+4 channels for stereo. It sounds pretty good with just a transformer, but bass is lacking and mids not full bodied compared to Twisted Pear Buffalo32 with IC i/v stage. I sometimes wished for more than 1.5 V output, but it was usually enough.+---- 
 +ES9018 has some DC offset voltage on the output, so you need something to get rid of the DC before sending it to your amp. It makes about 3Vpp with a few mA of current if you parallel 4+4 channels for stereo. It sounds pretty good with just a transformer, but bass is lacking and mids not full bodied compared to Twisted Pear Buffalo32 with IC i/v stage. I sometimes wished for more than 1.5 V output, but it was usually enough.
 You can get the 9018 technical specsheet if you sign nondisclosure form. You can get the 9018 technical specsheet if you sign nondisclosure form.
3sourse/1dacs/es9018.1584512923.txt.gz · Последнее изменение: 2020/03/18 09:28 (внешнее изменение)