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3sourse:1dacs:es9018 [2020/03/18 09:29]
3sourse:1dacs:es9018 [2020/03/22 02:12] (текущий)
staudio [Отзывы]
Строка 5: Строка 5:
 {{pdfjs>:3sourse:1dacs:es9012-9018.pdf}} {{pdfjs>:3sourse:1dacs:es9012-9018.pdf}}
 ++++ ++++
 +ES9018 + LL1674 и LL1684:\\
 ==== Отзывы ==== ==== Отзывы ====
 +**Выход по току:**
 +The 47nf cap creates a corner 3db point of 23K without the preamp secondary impedance reflected to the primaries and 20K with it reflected. But that is not the reason why I have the cap. I discovered the effect of a cap across the legs on sigma delta DACs nearly 3 years ago by accident. I reported in the these posts
 +Practical Implementations of Alternative Post-DAC Filtering
 +That thread was started by a member who also noticed the same effect. He unfortunately got flamed for reporting it without adequate explanation. The effect is that is creates is a layering of instruments that makes listening to music - emotional.
 +The oldest reference I can find to this effect is here
 +Regarding the transformers - yes LL1544A is amorphous too. Nearly $85 in the US vs LL1674 which is $130
 +The resistor value to be chosen depends on your taste. Put simply - the deeper you put the DAC into current mode (by lowering the resistor) - the THD improves. At 0 ohms - the THD is the best.
 +But in all honestly - I can*t hear THD in my system below -105db.
 +But I what I can hear is that the slam/attack/dynamics are lost deeper in the current mode.
 +The optimal value for the resistor is 4/5 times the output impedance of the DAC for my system. So 640 ohms for ES9028Q2M.
 +I thought so too initially that there was the HF explanation but there is some other mystery to be solved as well. Specifically - if you ground the caps, the effect is gone. In other words if you replace the 47nf across the pins with 94nf to the ground from each leg - the layering of instruments and the emotional connection is lost.
 +Also - if you vary the 3db corner - i.e. move it to say 30Khz - the effect is gone. It only seems to near the 20-22Khz region. I settled on 19.9 corner for my system.\\
 +**Выход по напряжению:**
 Just a quick query because I can't seem to find anything but simple 2-page PDF datasheets for ESS DAC chips... Just a quick query because I can't seem to find anything but simple 2-page PDF datasheets for ESS DAC chips...
3sourse/1dacs/es9018.1584512953.txt.gz · Последнее изменение: 2020/03/18 09:29 (внешнее изменение)