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3sourse:1dacs:es9018 [2020/03/22 01:58]
staudio [Отзывы]
3sourse:1dacs:es9018 [2020/03/22 02:12] (текущий)
staudio [Отзывы]
Строка 17: Строка 17:
 {{:3sourse:1dacs:9018-1674.png?400|}} {{:3sourse:1dacs:9018-1674.png?400|}}
 The 47nf cap creates a corner 3db point of 23K without the preamp secondary impedance reflected to the primaries and 20K with it reflected. But that is not the reason why I have the cap. I discovered the effect of a cap across the legs on sigma delta DACs nearly 3 years ago by accident. I reported in the these posts The 47nf cap creates a corner 3db point of 23K without the preamp secondary impedance reflected to the primaries and 20K with it reflected. But that is not the reason why I have the cap. I discovered the effect of a cap across the legs on sigma delta DACs nearly 3 years ago by accident. I reported in the these posts
3sourse/1dacs/es9018.1584831493.txt.gz · Последнее изменение: 2020/03/22 01:58 (внешнее изменение)