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5speakers:3acust:infinite-baffle [2020/05/23 18:24]
staudio [Мнения]
5speakers:3acust:infinite-baffle [2020/05/23 18:24] (текущий)
staudio [Мнения]
Строка 13: Строка 13:
 https://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?topic=31247.0\\ https://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?topic=31247.0\\
-In-wall speakers fall into two design camps: sealed and infinite baffle.  Speakers intended to simply fit between stud (small) spaces for instance would be designed as sealed cabinets.  Speakers that are provided with a large space behind them (4 - 10 times the driver's specified Vas) behave according to infinite baffle theory.  In either case there should be no baffle step compensation needed, OTOH soundstage depth is severely compromised.  Because of this diminished sound staging the best application for I.B. is for deep bass.+In-wall speakers fall into two design camps: sealed and infinite baffle.  Speakers intended to simply fit between stud (small) spaces for instance would be designed as sealed cabinets.  Speakers that are provided with a large space behind them (4 - **10 times the driver's specified Vas**) behave according to infinite baffle theory.  In either case there should be no baffle step compensation needed, OTOH soundstage depth is severely compromised.  Because of this diminished sound staging the best application for I.B. is for deep bass.
 Just like O.B. bass use of multiple drivers and EQ is to be expected.  I.B. bass has no front/rear wave cancellation, but finding a suitable domestic installation can be a challenge.  Adjoining space is required.  Garages or attics may get too hot or cold.  Common ceiling/wall/floor construction to attics, spare bedrooms, or basements may be insufficient to prevent bleed through.  Swinging of doors into those spaces (if small and/or tightly sealed) can damage the drivers. Just like O.B. bass use of multiple drivers and EQ is to be expected.  I.B. bass has no front/rear wave cancellation, but finding a suitable domestic installation can be a challenge.  Adjoining space is required.  Garages or attics may get too hot or cold.  Common ceiling/wall/floor construction to attics, spare bedrooms, or basements may be insufficient to prevent bleed through.  Swinging of doors into those spaces (if small and/or tightly sealed) can damage the drivers.
5speakers/3acust/infinite-baffle.1590247459.txt.gz · Последнее изменение: 2020/05/23 18:24 (внешнее изменение)