===== Supravox ===== {{tag>динамики}} https://www.supravox.fr/categorie-produit/haut-parleurs/serie-classique/\\ ==== 165 GMF ==== {{ :5speakers:4dyn:165ts_1_.jpg?direct |}} ==== 285 GMF ==== {{ :5speakers:4dyn:1600px-285_gmf.jpg?direct |}}\\ \\ https://www.diyaudio.com/forums/multi-way/340786-1-cd-seos-supravox.html\\ \\ https://www.diyaudio.com/forums/full-range/321786-supravox-165-alnico-vs-exc-ob.html\\ Hi again, I've listened extensively the GMF and Alnico versions.\\ The Alnico version had a very weak magnet (2.3BL) with more than 1Q in comparison to my GMF pair with 0.5Q.\\ The Alnico clearly won the subjective tests and listening. It is a true full-range driver with all the highs you want.\\ The GMF doesn't have enough highs and it sounds like a midrange driver (ironically Supravox names it as a "bass medium" driver).\\ The GMF also has a cold and aggressive upper-midrange which ruins the overall nice neutral timbre.\\ 165-2000 has better tonality with naturally warmer timbre.\\ 165-2000 has better microdynamics and better vocal expressions - probably the lower MMS is the answer but I'm not sure.