Результаты полнотекстового поиска:
- CCS @4amps:1tu
- tance limits the performance. {{4amps:1tu:image1.gif}} The horizontal line represents the load line w... upply. Conventional SE stage {{4amps:1tu:image2.gif}} In conventional SE circuits the power supply ... n. SE stage with active load {{4amps:1tu:image3.gif}} When we add an active load the basic operation... an enhancement mode mosfet. {{4amps:1tu:image4.gif}} To use a depletion mode mosfet as a CCS the f
- Audio Note @4amps:8br
- + ---- //**Conqueror**//\\ {{:4amps:8br:conqueror.gif?direct |}} <WRAP group> <WRAP half column> **Part... //**Conquest & Kegon**//\\ {{:4amps:8br:conquest.gif?direct |}} Kegon schematic is exactly the same as... <WRAP group> <WRAP half column> {{:4amps:8br:kit1.gif?direct |}} </WRAP> <WRAP half column> {{:4amps:8br:kit1-psu.gif?direct |}} </WRAP> </WRAP> ---- //**KIT 2**//\
- Зазор в выходном трансформаторе (Партридж) @4amps:1tu
- ровнем нечетных гармоник. \\ {{4amps:1tu:hodgson1.gif}}\\ \ Заметьте, что значения тока, отложенные на ... мм) или чуть больше того.\\ {{4amps:1tu:hodgson2.gif}}\\ \\ Можно сказать, что к зазору "приложен" ток... и сразу бы стало заметно. \\ {{4amps:1tu:hodgson3.gif}}\\ \\ Нет сомнений, что представленные трансформ... смыслом работ Партриджа. \\ {{4amps:1tu:hodgson5.gif}}\\ {{4amps:1tu:hodgson6.gif}}\\ \\ Не жалко повт
- 6П9 @1tubes
- йверные}} ==== Характеристики ==== {{:1tubes:6p9.gif?direct|}} \\ Аналог:\\ {{ :1tubes:6ag7.pdf |}} ==... }} {{:1tubes:6ag7s.jpg?direct|}} {{:1tubes:6ag7s2.gif?direct|}} {{:1tubes:6p9-makarov.jpg?400|}} {{1tub... р_мудрый_копия_1.pdf}}\\ {{1tubes:6п9_ярославский.gif}}\\ {{1tubes:6п9_ярославский2.gif}}\\ \\ \\ \\ http://radiofan-21.ru/odnokaskadnuy%20lampovuy%20UMZCH
- Roomgain - подъем баса на НЧ за счет комнаты @5speakers:6rooom
- on you can expect: {{5speakers:6rooom:image_34559.gif}}\\ Notice approximately 3 dB of gain at the low ... from the speaker: {{5speakers:6rooom:image_34558.gif}}\\ Now you’ll see approximately 6dB of gain at ... e room boundaries: {{5speakers:6rooom:image_34560.gif}}\\ Yikes! We’ve got 9dB of bass augmentation, b... previous example. {{5speakers:6rooom:image_34561.gif}}\\ More to come. (Using boundary augmentation cu
- Pentode with a CCS @4amps:1tu
- s are on the schematic. {{4amps:1tu:6bq5_driver.gif}} Some more variants using different tubes- The... y lower than the 6BQ5 version. {{4amps:1tu:6w6gt.gif}} The 6BN11 also performs nicely but the gain is... igh at 192 for practical uses. {{4amps:1tu:6bn11.gif}} The 6CL6 does not perform up the the standards of the other Pentodes tried. {{4amps:1tu:6cl6.gif}} http://www.pimmlabs.com/web/drivers.htm
- DN2540 High Voltage Constant Current Source @4amps:1tu
- s are on the schematic. {{4amps:1tu:6bq5_driver.gif}} Some more variants using different tubes- The... y lower than the 6BQ5 version. {{4amps:1tu:6w6gt.gif}} The 6BN11 also performs nicely but the gain is... igh at 192 for practical uses. {{4amps:1tu:6bn11.gif}} The 6CL6 does not perform up the the standards of the other Pentodes tried. {{4amps:1tu:6cl6.gif}}
- 6П21С @1tubes
- ходные}} ==== Характеристики ==== {{:1tubes:6p21s.gif?direct&400|}} \\ {{:1tubes:6p21s2.jpg?direct&400|... ли эту лампочку в начале темы.\\ {{:1tubes:6p21ss.gif?direct&400|}} \\ В триоде:\\ {{:1tubes:p21s_as_t... вой сетке...\\ ---- TANk\\ \\ {{:1tubes:6p21s_se.gif.3b9640114e321449ec14ffa989ba669a.gif?direct&400|}} \\ Все поет. оба канала. 6П21С мне показалась очен
- Дифференциальный выходной трансформатор в двухтактных ламповых УМЗЧ @7comp:4trans
- , KT-66, КТ77, KT88, 6550. {{:7comp:4trans:diff1.gif?direct&400|}}\\ {{:7comp:4trans:diff2.gif?direct&400|}}\\ {{:7comp:4trans:diff3.gif?direct&400|}}\\ ==== Отзывы ==== https://www.hi-fi.ru/audio
- EL34 @1tubes
- :6П6С|6П6С]]х2.\\ ++++ Показать| {{:1tubes:el34-1.gif?direct|}} {{:1tubes:el34-2.gif?direct|}} {{:1tubes:el34-3.gif?direct|}} ++++ Всего доброго!\\ Манаков, ака Гэгэн. ---- Звучит, как EL
- Форматирование страниц @9diff
- rnal image: {{http://php.net/images/php.gif?200x50}} Real size: {{w... rnal image: {{http://php.net/images/php.gif?200x50}} By using left or right whitespaces you... he following media formats directly. | Image | ''gif'', ''jpg'', ''png'' | | Video | ''webm'', ''ogv'
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- ge: {{https://secure.php.net/images/php.gif?200x50}} Real size: {{w... ge: {{https://secure.php.net/images/php.gif?200x50}} By using left or right whitespaces you... he following media formats directly. | Image | ''gif'', ''jpg'', ''png'' | | Video | ''webm'', ''ogv'
- 300B @1tubes
- ы ==== ++++ Посмотреть | [{{:4amps:8br:conqueror.gif?direct |Audio Note Conqueror }}] [{{:1tubes:direc... ct |Непосредственная связь }}] [{{:1tubes:pse300b.gif?direct |PSE Ciuffoli}}] [{{:1tubes:sakuma300.gif?direct |Сакума }}] {{:1tubes:d3a-300b.jpg?direct |D3a
- Sansui @4amps:8br
- == ==== Схемы ==== 1000A\\ {{:4amps:8br:1000a_1_.gif?direct|}}\\ TU-70\\ {{:4amps:8br:tu-70_1_.gif?direct|}}