Результаты полнотекстового поиска:
- 300B
- в настоящий момент: ==== http://www.emissionlabs.com/html/products/products.html\\ https://www.takatsu... en/products/ta-300b\\ https://www.westernelectric.com/products/300b.html\\ http://psvanetube.com/wordpress/category/review/300b-z/\\ https://www.elrog.com/products/\\ https://www.sophiaelectric.eu/us/b/pr
- 6П21С
- } ==== Полезные ссылки ==== https://sites.google.com/site/severnyjpriboj/Home/httpsitesgooglecomsitesevernyjpribojzimafotosessii/usiliteli/6p21s\\ http://w... -se-6p21s\\ https://lampovijzvuksemenkov.blogspot.com/2016/02/621.html\\ http://www.bartola.co.uk/valve... силителе сделаны по схеме\\ https://sites.google.com/site/severnyjpriboj/httpsitesgooglecomsiteseverny
- DN2540 High Voltage Constant Current Source
- t Current Source ===== https://www.monoandstereo.com/2013/11/dn2540-high-voltage-constant-current.html... other hand, low enough so as to not to stress the components too much.\\ The transistors that are used ... Q2 device would “open up” a little more, so as to compensate.\\ But to what extent will it “oppose” an... “variable” in value. This “variable resistor” is comprised of the Q2 device.\\ Earlier, we said that t
- 2A3
- 3 в настоящий момент ==== http://www.emissionlabs.com/html/products/products.html\\ http://psvanetube.com/wordpress/purchase/shop-by-tube-model/2a3/\\ https... cess-300b-25v/0?r=164\\ http://www.tube-fullmusic.com/products/en-product.htm\\ http://www.kraudio.com/\\ ==== Схемы ==== ++++ Посмотреть | {{1tubes:fre
- D3a
- алог) ==== Отзывы ==== http://vinylsavor.blogspot.com/2012/12/tube-of-month-d3a.html\\ //**Tube of the ... n tube developed for wide band amplifiers for telecommunication applications. It has a nine pin miniatu... dustrial type 7721, I'm not aware of any US based company who made this tube.\\ This tube has been man
- 6Н23П
- ние нескольких ламп:\\ [[https://phsound.blogspot.com/2015/08/1.html|Часть 1]], [[https://phsound.blogspot.com/2015/08/1.html|Часть 2]],[[https://phsound.blogspot.com/2015/11/3_16.html|Часть 3]] ==== Схемы ==== ====
- EML1605
- AC (RMS)| |Load Impedance (Ra)|2700-5600 Ohm| |Recommended Transformer(s)|Lundahl LL1623-120mA| |Grid ... 0kOhm| ==== Даташит ==== http://www.emissionlabs.com/datasheets/EML1605.html\\ {{:1tubes:ct-fil-adj.jp... nly good at high power. At low power, the sound becomes sterile, and the triode sound character gets lo
- 6Н1П
- ние нескольких ламп:\\ [[https://phsound.blogspot.com/2015/08/1.html|Часть 1]], [[https://phsound.blogspot.com/2015/08/1.html|Часть 2]],[[https://phsound.blogspot.com/2015/11/3_16.html|Часть 3]] ==== Схемы ==== ==
- Лампы
- Up min)/2\\ \\ ==== Расчет ==== http://www.trioda.com/tools/triode.html/\\ https://www.vtadiy.com/loadline-calculators/vacuum-tubes-available-in-the-loadlin
- ГУ-72
- корпус. У меня 3,3мкф. https://newaudioportal.com/topic/1830-унч-на-гу-72/page/19/ Коллега hydr ... вторую сетку на корпус. У меня 3,3мкф. https://newaudioportal.com/topic/1830-унч-на-гу-72/page/19/
- 6Ж52П
- И статьи Погорилова https://pogorily.livejournal.com/49265.html\\ "6Ж52П с кpутизной 55 мА/В пpи межэ... 30мА+-40] 1977 — 2.972 2.984\\ https://www.istok2.com/data/491/\\ 6Ж52П ГОСТ\\ без логотипа завода, 198
- EML520B
- ==== Характеристики ==== http://www.emissionlabs.com/datasheets/EML520B-Datasheet.html\\ ++++ Кривые |... with auto biasing. Other manufacturers may not recommend them. А кто-нибудь пробовал применить лампу
- 47
- }} ===== Обсуждение ===== https://www.audioasylum.com/cgi/vt.mpl?f=tubediy&m=213021 ===== Отзывы =====
- 6П9
- ).\\ Лучше 10к.\\ Хлопотно.\\ https://audioportal.com.ua/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=166&start=100 ---- О
- EL156
- ken.pdf}} ==== Схемы ==== http://www.single-ended.com/EL156amp.htm\\ {{:1tubes:el156sch.jpg?direct|}}