Результаты полнотекстового поиска:
- CCS @4amps:1tu
- CCS’s) in vacuum tube amplifiers has several advantages over resistive loads. These including full mu o... ersus the diagonal line seen by resistive loaded stages. Transformer and choke loading also provides a ... signal the resistive load would give an output voltage of 188 volts P-P where the CCS load would give an output voltage of 269 volts P-P. If you compare the spacing of
- DN2540 High Voltage Constant Current Source @4amps:1tu
- ===== DN2540 High Voltage Constant Current Source ===== https://www.monoandstereo.com/2013/11/dn2540-high-voltage-constant-current.html?m=1 \\ DN2540 High Voltage Constant Current Source\\ \\ Ever dreamed of getting... ghest possible linearity out of your triode gain stage, by means of using an extremely high value of an
- LC-фильтр @4amps:6pit
- ctifier only conducts when there is a positive voltage difference between the transformer secondary and... The current drawn from the rectifier, and the voltage waveform that appears on the filter input termin... DC load current drawn from the supply. The DC voltage at the output of the filter, in turn, depends on... to say, the average value) of the filter input voltage waveform. If the average DC input voltage change
- Audio Note @4amps:8br
- load resistor, yielding a particular quiescent voltage on its anode (Vq). With a negative-going input ... d the anode swings positive due to the reduced voltage drop across the load resistor (R1 X Iq). The rev... the valve's anode current is increased so the voltage on it reduces due to increased drop across R1. ... rious with very non-linear valves and/or large voltage swings. When we want to drive a fairly meaty out
- Pentode with a CCS @4amps:1tu
- == Here are the results of some Pentode driver stage experiments done awhile back. The idea was to se... value larger than in traditional Pentode driver stages to get more gain.A CCS was placed in parallel w... tweaked for each tube. As adjusting the screen voltage and resistance also effects the gain of the stage you have to compromise some to have the gain match
- Ультралинейное включение @4amps:1tu
- ===== Ультралинейное включение ===== {{tag>лампы пентоды}} Тороидальные выходные -http://trafco.rs/tu
- Гридлик @4amps:1tu
- ===== Гридлик ===== {{tag>лампы}} https://soundex.ru/forum/index.php?/topic/7978-%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%81%D
- Пентоды без обратной связи @4amps:1tu
- om/blog/finemet-fm-5p-5a6-push-pull-amplifier {{tag>пентоды}} https://audioportal.su/threads/mif-ob-u
- Конденсатор в первичке трансформатора @4amps:6pit
- === Конденсатор в первичке трансформатора ===== {{tag>питание конденсаторы}} Хорошие результаты дает п
- Стабилизация питания @4amps:6pit
- ===== Стабилизация питания ===== {{tag>питание}} https://www.hi-fi.ru/audioportal/topic/5978-stabiliz
- Борьба с фоном в усилителях @4amps:7mon
- ===== Борьба с фоном в усилителях ===== {{tag>питание}} http://wap.hiend.borda.ru/?1-0-0-00000122-000
- И.Виноградский @4amps:9au
- ===== И.Виноградский ===== {{tag>отечественные_производители}} **Усилители Noosfera** ==== Сайт ==== ht
- NEVA AUDIO @4amps:8br
- ===== NEVA AUDIO ===== {{tag>отечественные_производители}} Профессиональные усилители\\ http://www.nev
- Hypex @4amps:8br
- ===== Hypex ===== ==== Fusion Amp 251 ==== {{tag>усилители}} {{:4amps:8br:hypex-fa251.jpg?direct|}}\\ {
- К.Мусатов @4amps:8br
- ===== К.Мусатов ===== {{tag>акустика отечественные_производители}} http://www.musatoff.com/RU/Products