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Audio Note



The «Ankoru Writings» of Andy Grove (its creator) for Sound Practices magazine

Musical information is a dynamic four dimensional continuum, like the one posed by the relativity theory, consisting of three spatial dimensions and time, all inseparably inter-related. A system for music recording and reproduction must transfer this continuum and faithfully reconstruct the original sonic performance in the listening room. Test instruments are supposed to ensure that the transformation of the continuum is linear and accurate to certain parameters.

Alas, these instruments and the mathematical models that we use, such as the relativity theory, lack the spontaneity and emotional content vital to music. Somehow our primitive method of recording scratches into a vinyl disc captures some of this emotion, and the lump of rock we call a stylus is able to extract the information and convert the vibes into a signal ready for the amplification chain. The amplifier, therefore, must not only perform well electrically, it must also convey emotion in order to fully satisfy both the analytical mind and the inspirational soul.

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