Результаты полнотекстового поиска:
- DN2540 High Voltage Constant Current Source
- t Current Source ===== https://www.monoandstereo.com/2013/11/dn2540-high-voltage-constant-current.html... eed the radiator.\\ Regards,\\ http://hiend-audio.com\\ zjj_wwa@hiend-audio.com\\ ---- https://www.bartola.co.uk/valves/2017/02/12/pentode-driver-with-gyr... tely 1.8mA at 81V bias. ---- http://www.pimmlabs.com/web/drivers.htm Here are the results of some Pe
- Ультралинейное включение
- io-ru.php \\ \\ Намотка - http://www.turneraudio.com.au/se-output-trans-calc-1.html \\ \\ О катодной
- Pentode with a CCS
- tandards of the other Pentodes tried. {{4amps:1tu:6cl6.gif}} http://www.pimmlabs.com/web/drivers.htm
- Пентоды без обратной связи
- ps:1tu:rg201403-5a6-1.png}} https://theaudiofeast.com/blog/finemet-fm-5p-5a6-push-pull-amplifier {{ta
- ==== "Каменный" вариант ==== http://www.pimmlabs.com/web/solid_state.htm\\ Quite awhile back I got an
- Питание второй сетки
- Питание второй сетки ====== https://sites.google.com/site/moiusiliteli/%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%