Результаты полнотекстового поиска:
- ust like Q2 is shown here. {{4amps:1tu:self_bias.jpg}} Another angle to help show how Q2 gets attached to the chassis {{4amps:1tu:self_bias2.jpg}} The standard TO220 package has enough lead len... cted to the "S" terminal. {{4amps:1tu:self_bias3.jpg}} Here's an image of the input stage CCS setup u... for the input stage. {{4amps:1tu:self_bias_karna.jpg}} Here is the schematic showing the board setup
- DN2540 High Voltage Constant Current Source
- s happening here …\\ {{1tubes:dn2540_ccs_cascaded.jpg}} \\ What we have here is a “contraption” that I ... riode underneath ? {{1tubes:dn2540_ccs_cascaded_2.jpg}} Basically, our triode “sees” nothing more tha... there is more.\\ {{1tubes:dn2540_ccs_cascaded_3.jpg}} \\ Consider a grid voltage with an 8 volt P-P i... driver with gyrator load** {{4amps:1tu:img_0094.jpg}} If you need gain and good drive, our friend the
- Ультралинейное включение
- /index.php?topic=885.30 \\ \\ {{:4amps:1tu:ul-tab.jpg?direct|}} http://musicangel.ru/mess135.htm \\ \\С
- Гридлик
- ет (или менее прочих искажает) форму сигнала от источника этого сигнала. {{4amps:1tu:t-most.jpg}}
- Питание второй сетки
- ескольких штук. Верхний резистор подбирается по рабочему току стабилитрона.\\ {{4amps:1tu:2grid.jpg}}