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4amps:8br:audio_note [2020/02/25 12:39]
4amps:8br:audio_note [2020/02/25 13:09] (текущий)
Строка 99: Строка 99:
 ++++ ++++
 ---- ----
 +{{:4amps:8br:conqueror.gif?direct |}}
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +**Part List Audio NOte Conquerer**\\
 +C1-2=100uF 63V\\
 +C3=330nF 630V MKT\\
 +C4-5-6-7=220uF 63V\\
 +MT1=Audio transf. 1K2 /0-4-8ohms 50W\\
 +<WRAP half column>
 +**Part List Audio Note Conquerer Power Supply**
 +R1=47ohms 5W\\
 +R2-3-4-5-7-8=220Kohms 1W\\
 +R6=1Kohms 5W\\
 +C1-2-5-6=68uF 450V\\
 +C3-4=470uF 350V\\
 +C7-11=4700uF 25V\\
 +C8-9-12-13=100nF 100V MKT\\
 +C10-14=470uF 16V\\
 +BR1-2=Rect. Bringe 100V/4A\\
 +T1=See Fig.2\\
 +T2=5H 150mA\\
 +//**Conquest & Kegon**//\\
 +{{:4amps:8br:conquest.gif?direct |}}
 +Kegon schematic is exactly the same as Conquest low gain. Only difference is that Kegon is all silvered wired (including output trans and mains cables)plus black gate capacitors and silver signal capacitors. I sent the schematic to Jac before I order the tubes and he said the schematic is absolutely OK and safe to use these tubes. So no worries on this. And I already informed Andy Groove ( designer of Audionote UK) that these tubes are the best sounding 300b I have ever tried on the Kegons.
 +//**KIT 1**//\\
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +{{:4amps:8br:kit1.gif?direct |}}
 +<WRAP half column>
 +{{:4amps:8br:kit1-psu.gif?direct |}}
 +//**KIT 2**//\\
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +{{ :4amps:8br:kit2.jpg?direct|}}
 +<WRAP half column>
 +{{:4amps:8br:kit2p.jpg?direct |}}
 +{{:4amps:8br:m7.gif?direct |}}
 +{{:4amps:8br:m9.jpg?direct |}}
 +{{:4amps:8br:m10.gif?direct |}}
 +{{:4amps:8br:meishu_2x300b.png?direct |}}
 +{{ :4amps:8br:2a3pseneiro.jpg?direct |}}
 +{{:4amps:8br:ongaku211s.png?direct |}}
 +//**P3 Stereo**//\\
 +{{ :4amps:8br:p_3_stereo.gif?direct |}}
 +//**P4 mono**//\\
 +{{:4amps:8br:p4mono.gif?direct |}}
 +{{:4amps:8br:quest.gif?direct |}}
4amps/8br/audio_note.1582623567.txt.gz · Последнее изменение: 2020/02/25 12:39 (внешнее изменение)